
WebLocker 1.2 Opdateret

WebLocker is a free software created by TheYousSoft Corporation. It's a Web Blocker, Anti-Porn, Anti-DNS Leak, Connectivity Fixer. WebLocker is programmed to be compatible with most Windows version: XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 and 10 (x86 & x64) and it's for...

Free Auto Clicker

Free Auto Clicker 5.3.2 Opdateret

Free Auto Clicker is a handy program that enables automatically clicking your mouse buttons, making mouse clicks faster and more accurate. It can simulate left & right click to free your hands from repeating time consuming, repetitive & tedious tasks. It...

Windows Explorer Tracker

Windows Explorer Tracker 2.0 Opdateret

Windows Explorer Tracker is used to trace/monitor and record the operations in Windows Explorer automatically, such as "Delete", "Rename", "Create", "Insert", "Add" and "Remove" actions of files, folders, drives and storage media, you can also use it to...

Easy Label Printer

Easy Label Printer 3.0 Opdateret

Easy Label Printer is a simple program for printing addresses on to sheets of labels. You can type in new addresses, or add addresses directly from Windows or Google Contacts or a CSV file. You can print a single label anywhere on the sheet, whole pages,...

Spor takstkoder, håndhæve en grænse side pr job, skal du logge al trykning, og tildele en pris pr side til hver printer. Generere detaljerede udskrivning af rapporter fordelt på brugeren, fakturering kode, computer eller printer. Rapporter kan gemmes som...